April 29

79 degrees at Maple Leaf Life South!



79 degrees and getting hotter later this week.

Shorts and sun dresses are in at the park.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. While we are discussing trivial laws, have you seen everyone jaywalking while trying to get to the park? I will make sure to tell them about the law.

  2. Well, the people decided they didn’t want an off leash area at the new park. Be careful what you ask for…

  3. Thanks Ryan;
    I did ask the owner to leash her dog, and she did do so, but my poor girlfriend was already half way into a panic attack and we had to leave anyway.
    There were also 3 other dogs in sight off leash.
    The dog I asked the owner to leash was a pretty large dog, oddly in an orange vest.
    I saw her as we were leaving and she was having a hard time controlling it even on the leash.
    I guess that’s what she prefers it to be off the leash.
    It’s kinda sad my girlfriend feels like she has to carry pepper spray in her hand while enjoying a city park. And for dogs . .
    I told her not to hesitate spraying them if they come anywhere near her off a leash, and I know she won’t hesitate and will rightfully justified in doing so.

    As to calling them in . . . I haven’t looked at the signs with the number to call. Is it calling the police or animal control?

    I guess I will have to program that number into my phone.

    Anyone know if there has been anyone bitten yet down there? I can’t imagine it will be long until someone does get bit.

    As I said before, it sure would be nice if people would obey the law and keep the dogs on a leash.

    It may seem trivial or ridiculous to dog owners, but it IS the law.

    And don’t get me wrong, we like dogs.
    We just like them on a leash and under control.

  4. If you see someone with an off-leash dog, call the number listed on the signs posted in the park. If you’re bold, warn the owner that you’re reporting the incident. Some people honestly don’t even know that it’s against the law.

    We have to make noise for this problem to be addressed. If it’s easier for you, wait to call until you get home; just be sure to call.

  5. Walked through the park last night with my girlfriend. 4 dogs off leash.
    My girlfriend has been bitten in the past and has a terrible dog phobia.
    It sure would be nice if people could follow the law and keep the dogs on a leash.
    Is that too much to ask?
    I know this has been discussed to death but PLEASE keep your dogs on a leash.

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